
Medicines Patent Pool

UNITAID creates the Medicines Patent Pool

Cuba eradicates mother-to-child transmission

Cuba becomes the first country to eliminate transmission of HIV from mother to baby.

Berlin patient

Timothy Ray Brown appears to rid himself of HIV after a stem cell transplant from a donor naturally resistant to HIV, raising hopes for a cure.

Treatment trial breakthrough

Clinical trial ACTG019 shows that treatment with AZT (zidovudine) can delay the onset of AIDS.

Second HIV drug pre-approved

Dideoxyinosine (ddl) is pre-approved by the FDA for treatment of people with AIDS.

FDA Treatment Access Act

In response to advocacy from people with AIDS, the FDA puts in place regulations to make experimental drugs available to those who have no other options.

South African generics

GlaxoSmithKline gives Combivir away in South Africa.

Botswana’s treatment programme

Botswana becomes the first African country to launch a national antiretroviral treatment (ART) programme.

Botswana PMTCT programme

Botswana rolls out a national programme to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV.


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