
Generic drugs

Indian drug manufacturer Cipla offers $350 HIV treatment, raising pressure on pharmaceuticals to cut prices.

USA and Brazil pharma feud

US complains to the World Trade Organization about Brazil pressurising pharmaceutical companies to lower antiretroviral prices.

Pharma deal

UNAIDS announces negotiations with the pharmaceutical industry on treatment pricing.

Brazilian generics law

The Brazilian Government begins producing generic antiretroviral drugs, lowering the cost of HIV treatment.

Treatment in Brazil

Fifteen antiretroviral drugs are available free of charge from the Ministry of Health in Brazil.

TRIPS agreement and generics

The World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) is signed making the production of generics more difficult.

Antiretroviral treatment in Africa

The number of people in Africa receiving antiretroviral treatment increases from less than 1 million in 2005 to over 7 million in 2012.

Universal treatment access

Rwanda achieves universal access to antiretroviral treatment (ART) for adults.

Doris’ story, Ghana

“I’m well. I’m healthy. This is my story.”
- Doris, Ghana

First combination pill

The first combination antiretroviral pill, Combivir, is approved in the USA, greatly simplifying HIV treatment.


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