UK Events

UK doubles Global Fund contribution

The UK doubles funding for HIV and AIDS internationally, pledging $200 million to the Global Fund

London declaration on AIDS prevention

A summit of health ministers in London breaks taboos and results in an important declaration pushing for shared information, education and human rights.

UK hosts meeting on universal access in Southern and Eastern Africa

Representatives from Southern and Eastern Africa convene at Westminster to review progress against the 2005 commitment to universal access.

Towards zero infections

The Department for International Development launches the UK’s position paper on HIV in the developing world, ‘Towards Zero Infections’.

UK strategy for achieving universal access

The Secretary of State for International Development, Douglas Alexander, launches the UK’s strategy for halting and reversing the spread of HIV in the developing world.

Gleneagles 2005

The UK hosts the G8 summit at Gleneagles, Scotland, and secures commitment to universal access to treatment for all by 2010.

'Three Ones' agreed

The UK, US and UNAIDS host a meeting that agrees on three 'ones' to better co-ordinate the global HIV and AIDS response.

UK's call to action

The UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair, launches a national call to action.

Harm reduction services for drug users

Lord Fowler introduces harm reduction services for drug users in the UK to stop the spread of HIV.

Diana breaks stigma

Princess Diana shakes hands with a person living with HIV.


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