
Dolutegravir (DTG) and women’s right to choose

DTG debate brings into question women’s power to make decisions about their reproductive health.

FDA Treatment Access Act

In response to advocacy from people with AIDS, the FDA puts in place regulations to make experimental drugs available to those who have no other options.

Buyers clubs

The first buyers club for AIDS drugs is set-up in New York.

Big Pharma sues South Africa

A coalition of pharmaceutical giants sues South Africa over generics law, but eventually backs down.

South Africa treatment programme

South Africa launches its national HIV and AIDS treatment programme thanks to TAC activism.

Nevirapine in South Africa

South African activists win a court case forcing the government to provide HIV drug nevirapine to HIV-positive pregnant women.

Transgender rights in Pakistan

Pakistan’s Supreme Court recognises transgender people’s rights.

India decriminalises homosexuality

In a landmark human rights ruling, India overturns a 150-year-old law banning homosexuality.

Treatment Action Campaign formed

Treatment Action Campaign launches in South Africa to campaign for greater access to HIV treatment for all South Africans.


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