2006-2012: Reflection

Roughly 25 years into the HIV epidemic, and ten years on from the creation of UNAIDS, this was a period to take stock of achievements and continue pushing for improvement. The 2011 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS and the Millennium Development Goals helped to focus the world’s efforts on tackling HIV.

This brought achievements - the number of AIDS-related deaths fell for the first time in the epidemic’s relatively short history. However, gaping holes remained. Years of emphasis on treatment meant prevention had taken a back seat, with the number of new infections hardly falling.

Globally, it was becoming clear that many of the most marginalised people were being left behind and that social, economic and rights-based initiatives, alongside medical programmes, would be key to curbing HIV in the future.

Berlin patient

Timothy Ray Brown appears to rid himself of HIV after a stem cell transplant from a donor naturally resistant to HIV, raising hopes for a cure.

Children orphaned by AIDS

The number of children newly orphaned by AIDS peaks at 15,000,000.

AIDS orphans in southern Africa

In some countries in sub-Saharan Africa, more than 10% of all children are left orphaned by AIDS.

Harm reduction works

Ukraine and the Philippines highlight the effects of differing drug policies on HIV prevention among people who inject drugs.

DATA: Donor funding by channel

The years 2002-2008 see a significant increase in funding for the global HIV response from donor governments. However, since then funding has more or less flat-lined.

Antiretroviral treatment in Africa

The number of people in Africa receiving antiretroviral treatment increases from less than 1 million in 2005 to over 7 million in 2012.

Transgender rights in Pakistan

Pakistan’s Supreme Court recognises transgender people’s rights.

India decriminalises homosexuality

In a landmark human rights ruling, India overturns a 150-year-old law banning homosexuality.

Universal treatment access

Rwanda achieves universal access to antiretroviral treatment (ART) for adults.

End of AIDS denialism in South Africa

South African President Thabo Mbeki steps down, ending an era of government AIDS denialism.


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