
Treatment Action Campaign formed

Treatment Action Campaign launches in South Africa to campaign for greater access to HIV treatment for all South Africans.


The era of Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment (HAART) begins, with immediate and dramatic benefits for those with access.

Brazil produces AZT

Brazil starts producing a generic version of HIV treatment drug AZT.

South Africa infections

South Africa’s HIV infections double in one year.

100% Condom Use

Thailand launches “100% Condom Use Campaign”, Asia’s most extensive HIV prevention programme.

World AIDS Day

The first World AIDS Day is held.

Zambian appeal

President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia announces that his son has died of AIDS, and appeals to the international community to treat AIDS as a worldwide problem.

Diana breaks stigma

Princess Diana shakes hands with a person living with HIV.

UK awareness campaign

The world’s first government-sponsored national AIDS awareness campaign – “AIDS: Don’t Die of Ignorance” – launches in the UK.


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