
Uganda success

Uganda begins promoting ‘zero-grazing’ and ‘love carefully’ to prevent HIV.

Project SIDA

Project SIDA launches in Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo) – the first and largest project on AIDS in Africa.

LAV discovered

Scientists from the Pasteur Institute in France report the discovery of a new retrovirus, named LAV, that could be the cause of AIDS.

‘Slim’ reports

‘Slim disease’ is reported in Uganda.

A global epidemic

Australia, Brazil and many countries in Europe announce their first official HIV cases.

Communities organise

A number of AIDS-specific organisations are set up in the USA to help support and educate affected gay communities.

Mainstream press coverage

New York Times publishes first mainstream press article on HIV.

First case

The first confirmed case of HIV is in an African man living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Treatment for all

New World Health Organization guidelines recommend beginning antiretroviral treatment immediately after HIV diagnosis.

Mississippi baby

Doctors in Mississippi announce that a baby born HIV-positive has been ‘cured’.


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