2013-2016: Not losing momentum

Since the financial crisis of 2008 and more recently the end of the Millennium Development Goals, funding for HIV treatment and prevention programmes provided by the international community has contracted. Though big players, like the Global Fund, still invest substantial amounts, the trend to stop funding projects in middle-income countries threatens the progress that has been made against the HIV epidemic.

It is hoped that setting ambitious new international targets will keep up the pressure on world leaders to tackle HIV. UNAIDS’ Fast-Track strategy and 90/90/90 targets aim to greatly step up the HIV response in low- and middle-income countries.

The goal of ending the HIV epidemic by 2030 is achievable if the political will is there.

Cuba eradicates mother-to-child transmission

Cuba becomes the first country to eliminate transmission of HIV from mother to baby.

Sounding the alarm

“Complacency is the new conspiracy—and it must be broken!"
- Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS

The return to Durban

After 16 years, the International AIDS conference returns to Durban, South Africa, showing that limited progress has been made.

First Date Sex Fail

AVERT's 'Update Your Status' campaign launches with new video.

New AVERT website

A redesign and re-launch of AVERT.org takes place, with more targeted content for public and professional audiences.

Information Standard

AVERT becomes a certified member of the Information Standard, a UK National Health Service (NHS) accreditation that recognises trustworthy health information.

Stand Up to HIV

The ‘Stand Up to HIV’ campaign is launched to dispel fears and get more people testing for HIV.

DATA: Donor funding by country

HIV funding from the USA dwarfs funding from other donor countries - although some countries contribute more when compared to their population and GDP.

PROUD study

A study proves that PrEP can effectively protect gay men in the UK from HIV.


PARTNER study finds no HIV transmission when an HIV-positive partner has an undetectable viral load.


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