2013-2016: Not losing momentum

Since the financial crisis of 2008 and more recently the end of the Millennium Development Goals, funding for HIV treatment and prevention programmes provided by the international community has contracted. Though big players, like the Global Fund, still invest substantial amounts, the trend to stop funding projects in middle-income countries threatens the progress that has been made against the HIV epidemic.

It is hoped that setting ambitious new international targets will keep up the pressure on world leaders to tackle HIV. UNAIDS’ Fast-Track strategy and 90/90/90 targets aim to greatly step up the HIV response in low- and middle-income countries.

The goal of ending the HIV epidemic by 2030 is achievable if the political will is there.

Talking HIV

Avert develops ‘Talking HIV’, a series of real-life conversations between people who have been affected by HIV.

Gay Health series

Avert and Hornet develop a series of targeted information videos for gay and bisexual men.

Young Voices Africa

Avert launches Young Voices Africa, an interactive series for young people covering a range of topics on sexual health and relationships.

Boost community health workers’ hub

Avert launches Boost, its HIV hub for community health workers.

Progress towards 2020 Fast-Track targets

Countries show mixed results towards meeting the 2020 Fast-Track approach deadline.


Following trial results from the Prévenir study, the WHO updates its guidance for PrEP in men who have sex with men to include event-driven PrEP in addition to daily PrEP.

Rise in drug-resistant HIV

The WHO HIV drug resistance report shines a light on the emerging threat of HIV drug resistance and recommends the use of dolutegravir in countries where resistance is already prevalent.

Global PrEP roll-out

Approximately 380,000-385,000 people have started PrEP globally, however roll-out remains slow and uneven.

Oldest known person with HIV dies at 100

The oldest documented person living with HIV, known as ‘The Lisbon Patient’, dies at age 100.

Global Fund pledges US$14 billion to fight AIDS, TB and malaria

Donors at the Global Fund’s Six Replenishment Conference in Lyon, France pledge US$14.02 billion for the next three years to end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria by 2030.


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