1996-2007: Advancement

Before 1996, an HIV diagnosis left people with few options with no known cure or effective treatment. The introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was a major breakthrough and gave hope to millions of people living with HIV around the world. Those who had access to HAART saw their life expectancy increase by an average of 15 years – unheard of at the time.

Throughout this period, a number of scientific advancements continued to dramatically improve the lives of people living with HIV and of the communities most affected by the epidemic. Beyond HAART, other treatment advances and the development of viral load monitoring and rapid tests for HIV transformed diagnosis and treatment.

Global Fund

The new Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria starts work, raising and investing money to defeat the three diseases.

Nucleic acid testing

The first Nucleic Acid Test is licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration, shortening testing window periods.

Gates Foundation

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is started by the Microsoft billionaire and his wife, with HIV a key focus.

Millennium Development Goals

United Nations members adopt the Millennium Development Goals, with a specific goal to halt and reverse the spread of HIV.

Pharma deal

UNAIDS announces negotiations with the pharmaceutical industry on treatment pricing.

China condom advert

China’s first television advert for condoms is broadcast on World AIDS Day, but banned two days later.

AIDS-related deaths fall

The number of AIDS-related deaths falls for the first time from 2 million in 2006 to 1.9 million in 2007.

Botswana PMTCT success

Botswana cuts its mother-to-child transmission rate to under 4% - a rate comparable with the USA and Western Europe.

Doris’ story, Ghana

“I’m well. I’m healthy. This is my story.”
- Doris, Ghana

Thailand vaccine trial

First human vaccine trial in a developing country begins in Thailand.


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