1980-1992: Understanding and learning

What started off as a condition linked to gay communities in several cities around the world turned very quickly into a global epidemic that was affecting everyone and anyone – HIV and AIDS did not discriminate. Scaremongering and fear laid the foundations for stigma and discrimination around HIV that has remained to the present day.

With the spread of the disease uncontained and the number of people dying rising rapidly through the tens and hundreds of thousands, scientists and communities most affected scrambled to understand this deadly disease. It was in this time that HIV was found to cause AIDS, and all the main routes of transmission were identified.

Treatments were piloted and approved with unprecedented speed - a reflection of the shared sense of urgency - but the majority of those affected (particularly those in the developing world) did not have access to treatment and even those who did had a high chance of losing their battle with the illness.

Denver Principles

The Denver Principles mark the start of self-empowerment of people living with HIV.

A-typical Kaposi’s Sarcoma

Doctors note unusual outbreaks of Kaposi’s Sarcoma in Central Africa.

Transmission routes

All known transmission routes that could lead to AIDS are defined by the USA Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Stigmatising the 4 H’s

The USA Centers for Disease Control causes controversy after defining the main groups at-risk of HIV.

First mother-to-child transmission

The USA Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports the first case of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

‘Slim’ reports

‘Slim disease’ is reported in Uganda.

A global epidemic

Australia, Brazil and many countries in Europe announce their first official HIV cases.

Defining ‘AIDS’

‘AIDS’ is first used and defined by the USA’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Rwanda blood screening

12% of blood donors in Kigali, Rwanda are infected with HIV.

Terrence Higgins

Terrence Higgins is one of the first people to die of an AIDS-related illness in the UK. A trust is set up in his honour.


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