Policy & Programming

New combined PrEP and contraceptive pill could be a gamechanger

A new pill for women that prevents pregnancy and HIV to be assessed in Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Monkeypox international public health emergency declared

the World Health Organization declares an international public health emergency as monkeypox outbreaks spread

HIV response and the war in Ukraine

Fears rise for Ukraine’s HIV response after Russia invades Ukraine and millions of refugees flee the country.

COVID-19 stalls global HIV progress

Progress in the global response to HIV and AIDS stalls due to COVID-19 and economic and humanitarian crises.

UNAIDS global update 2021 highlights inequalities

Key populations and their sexual partners account for 65% of new HIV infections but are largely left out of both HIV and COVID-19 responses

19 countries achieve 90-90-90 targets

The UNAIDS 2021 report shows that 19 countries achieved the 90–90–90 targets by 2020.

New 95-95-95 targets set

UNAIDS announces its 2025 targets, called the 95-95-95


Following trial results from the Prévenir study, the WHO updates its guidance for PrEP in men who have sex with men to include event-driven PrEP in addition to daily PrEP.

Global PrEP roll-out

Approximately 380,000-385,000 people have started PrEP globally, however roll-out remains slow and uneven.


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