
Events featuring video, audio and photo galleries

Oldest known person with HIV dies at 100

The oldest documented person living with HIV, known as ‘The Lisbon Patient’, dies at age 100.

Global Fund pledges US$14 billion to fight AIDS, TB and malaria

Donors at the Global Fund’s Six Replenishment Conference in Lyon, France pledge US$14.02 billion for the next three years to end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria by 2030.

Undetectable = Untransmittable

HIV organisations across the globe endorse Undetectable = Untransmittable a statement declaring that individuals with suppressed viral loads cannot pass on HIV

Kami: the first muppet with HIV

Takalani Sesame debuts the world’s first HIV-positive muppet.

Medicines Patent Pool

UNITAID creates the Medicines Patent Pool

FIFA World Cup

‘World Cup: the Other South Africa’ video launches.

First Date Sex Fail

AVERT's 'Update Your Status' campaign launches with new video.

Stand Up to HIV

The ‘Stand Up to HIV’ campaign is launched to dispel fears and get more people testing for HIV.

Berlin patient

Timothy Ray Brown appears to rid himself of HIV after a stem cell transplant from a donor naturally resistant to HIV, raising hopes for a cure.

Sub-Saharan Africa’s burden

HIV becomes the leading killer of people in sub-Saharan Africa.


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