
Epidemic in Eastern Europe

Evidence increases of a major new HIV epidemic among injecting drug users in Eastern Europe

South Africa infections

South Africa’s HIV infections double in one year.

China’s epidemic

China has its first outbreak of HIV among people who inject drugs

DATA: Bangkok epidemic

HIV infections rates among people who inject drugs in Bangkok increase by 30% in one year.

First Russian HIV case

The USSR, now Russia, records its first official case of HIV in a military officer working as a translator in Tanzania.

Zimbabwe blood screening

Zimbabwe is the first lower income country to introduce universal blood screening for HIV.

Thailand's first AIDS cases

Thailand reports its first three cases of AIDS.

A-typical Kaposi’s Sarcoma

Doctors note unusual outbreaks of Kaposi’s Sarcoma in Central Africa.

A global epidemic

Australia, Brazil and many countries in Europe announce their first official HIV cases.

South Africa's first AIDS cases

The first diagnosed cases of AIDS in South Africa are confirmed.


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