
Zimbabwe approves injectable PrEP

Zimbabwe becomes the first country in Africa – and the third in the world – to approve injectable, long-acting, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)

19 countries achieve 90-90-90 targets

The UNAIDS 2021 report shows that 19 countries achieved the 90–90–90 targets by 2020.

Progress towards 2020 Fast-Track targets

Countries show mixed results towards meeting the 2020 Fast-Track approach deadline.

North America’s first AIDS case

Robert Rayford, a teenager from Missouri, dies from a mysterious illness later confirmed to be AIDS related.

Tuberculosis leading killer

Tuberculosis (TB) surpasses HIV to become the world's leading infectious disease killer.

Children orphaned by AIDS

The number of children newly orphaned by AIDS peaks at 15,000,000.

More than 70,000 AIDS cases

More than 70,000 AIDS cases have been reported to the WHO, with an estimated five to 10 million people infected worldwide.

DATA: Botswana PMTCT

Botswana rolls out a national programme to prevent pregnant women living with HIV from passing the virus to their child.

DATA: HIV infections averted by PMTCT programmes

Between 2000 and 2014, an estimated 1.3 million new HIV infections have been averted by prevention of mother-to-child transmission programmes in all low- and middle-income countries.

DATA: New infections in children

New HIV infections among children peaked at half a million in 2001. The advent of antiretroviral treatment and the roll-out of prevention of mother-to-child transmission programmes has cut the number of new infections.


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