Be in the KNOW

Avert launches Be in the KNOW, a new digital sexual health and HIV brand with trusted, engaging and sex positive content

From knowledge to action

AVERT launches its new 2021-2024 strategy

Talking HIV

Avert develops ‘Talking HIV’, a series of real-life conversations between people who have been affected by HIV.

Gay Health series

Avert and Hornet develop a series of targeted information videos for gay and bisexual men.

Young Voices Africa

Avert launches Young Voices Africa, an interactive series for young people covering a range of topics on sexual health and relationships.

Boost community health workers’ hub

Avert launches Boost, its HIV hub for community health workers.

BMA Award

AVERT.org wins first prize in the British Medical Association Patient Information Awards.

Universal access

World AIDS Day 2009 – ‘Universal Access’ campaign video.

FIFA World Cup

‘World Cup: the Other South Africa’ video launches.

Nominet Award

AVERT wins the prestigious Nominet Internet Award under the ‘Online Training and Education’ category, in association with the British Library.


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